Motel, The Hawaii Kai Mote, The Hi Lilly Motel, The Rio Motel, The Carousel Motel and so much more.
When it was all said and done we lost over 50+ Doo Wop motels such as the Flame Inn Motel, The 24th St. It was during this time period that we lost some of the most iconic motels in history.
Due to similarities in their names, it is often confused with the CS7 Thunderhawk fighter jet.Remembering the Thunderbird Inn This kind of contractions and demolition hasn’t been seen on our island since 2005-2006. The Thunderbird has the longest reload time of all weapons. The name is a reference to the 1960s television series "Thunderbirds", which was set in the future and featured wondrous large vehicles. In function, it replicates FOW EMP guns protecting Corda Dracon: Centcom that disable any vehicle approaching it. Unlocked for Rebel drop after completing Tangled Up In Blue. It arguably fares better in combat than the Power Core since it completely eliminates them in one hit, although the Power Core may be more appealing for hijacking vehicles since it will merely disable them momentarily. It works especially well against the likes of Corvette and CS Odjur, as well as the fearsome Imperator Bavarium Tank/ Urga Mstitel, greatly increasing their vulnerability if they are not taken down outright and only bested by a Mech's GRIP. The Thunderbird is best suited for areas densely populated with enemy vehicles, able to wreck them immediately from some distance with little trouble, sometimes even besting the GE-64.
It doesn't seem to have any effects on anything else. This weapon projects an EMP blast that has a relatively short range and small area of effect, destroying any vehicle and bavarium shield it hits permanently. The Rebel drop description states: " A staggering advance in technology, this portable point-and-shoot EMP gun FOW disables vehicles and Bavarium shields across a large distance." The Thunderbird's structure vaguely resembles a submachine gun with a stock, but replacing most of the usual mechanisms and internals with a turbine apparatus.